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leadership + courage nutrition + nourishment relationship + connection transformation workshops

Reflections, New Offerings and Finding Your Why

December 21, 2021

Dear Ones

How are you in these transformational times? Really…how are you?

These past few years have been hard times and have brought wake up calls for many of us in what matters and how we want to live and feel. We need each other now more than ever, I think. I saw a quote recently that said “Alone is hard. Together is better”. That feels good to me. Let’s do that – let’s stick together and support each other in any way we can.

My 2021…

2021 has been both challenging and liberating for me personally. Less so in the external world as in previous years, but very much so in my inner world. I have struggled, and wrestled, and transformed and released. I have pushed myself to grow and extend – to take risks and to let go of old patterns.

Transformation Workshop Series

This year I launched my beautiful and well received Transformation Workshop Series which was a culmination of lessons I have learned over the years for how to live a love-infused life. The three workshops delved into three topics dear to my heart: Creating Sacred Space (daily), Creating Inner Peace (understanding and working with stress and anxiety), and Creating Values for Life (understanding and embracing what we value most). I was humbled and inspired by the love and authenticity that was present in each of the groups that came together for these workshops. I am excited to have created this workshop series and have definite plans for the second round in 2022!

New offerings

2022 is a year of expansion for me and my beloved work through Love Infused Living. I am keen to explore new ways to inspire you to heal and expand into your own truth and potency. My curiosity this year has led me to two powerful threads in my future work – (1) practical ways for finding our purpose; and (2) embodied processing and trauma-informed practices. These interests and training will weave their way into my offerings in 2022, creating new workshops and collaborations. Look out for updates and releases as they come to form over the next few months…

Finding your Why – Program Launch

February 2022 – Introductory Special
Individual session (150 – 180 mins) $185 (gst inc)
Optional Follow up (60 mins) $95 (gst inc)

I am delighted to launch a brand new program – ‘Finding Your Why’. Developed in collaboration with Wellbeing Practitioner and dear friend, Sally Jamieson (Sally Jamieson Wellbeing), this program will offer both group workshops and individual sessions. Our introductory sessions (February 2022) are offered ahead of an inspiring collaborative workshop we will run together in March 2022.

Based on the work of well known entrepreneur and optimist, Simon Sinek, this beautiful process provides a safe and softly structured way to explore what holds most meaning for us through the stories of our lives so far. Your ‘Why’ is your deepest focus and purpose. It is the golden nugget that brings meaning to every choice and action of your life – in business, in relationships, in lifestyle and in love.

My ‘Why’ is what brings me to deliver these programs to you. My ‘Why’ is …
to inspire others to know their own potency so that, together, we can build a world of wholeness and authenticity’

Revealing my ‘Why’ has led me to understand myself more fully, to embrace what has meaning for me and to thread together each aspect of my life with deeper passion and commitment.

Keen to explore your ‘Why’ or my other offerings? I’d love to chat with you more. Comment below or email me at to book a 15 minute clarity call.

Wishing you many blessings for peace and deep presence as this year comes to a close.
Let’s unite in 2022 for a year of clarity and love-infused living.

From my heart to yours,