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What I learned about life when my partner was diagnosed with cancer

March 9, 2022

Life is asking a lot of us right now, isn’t it.  So much change, so much questioning of our old ways, so much renewal.  In numerology, the number 2 is associated with peace – not the surface level peace that makes everything seem OK, but the deep authentic peace that comes from unearthing and cleansing anything that comes between us and our deepest truth and highest good.  And here we are in 2022….deep upheaval in pursuit of authentic peace.

I’ve been reflecting recently on times of deep unearthing and cleansing in my life and what I have learned most profoundly from such times. My partner’s diagnosis and treatment for cancer several years ago was, without a doubt, one of those times. I’ll share a little of my story here…

My partner’s diagnosis and treatment for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL) was enormously life changing for me.  It was potentially the highest level of stress I recall ever having experienced.  It was as though we were travelling along one path (with its own little challenges) and in an instant, we were knocked completely into a whole new journey.

For me, and indeed both of us in very different ways, I was forced to face life beyond death.  The acceptance of and surrender to a heartbreak I hadn’t been sure I could survive.  

It taught me so much about the different ways people deal with trauma and grief.  It also taught me the vital importance of connection to Spirit – to something greater than me – not only in times of deep stress but also in daily life.

I experienced, with glaring clarity, that which seems to be present when pushed to the edge of our own capacity – the stillness, the peace, the silence that comes when there is nothing left to do but surrender.

It taught me about severe anxiety, PTSD and the impact of full body freeze – and the strategies that can help us return to peace in the face of despair.  It brought me humility, confronted me with my fears, and made me accept and acknowledge the inevitability of challenge in our lives.

It revealed to me my tendency to ‘be a good person’ and to ‘do the right thing’ as an attempt to stave off the truly difficult parts of life – to keep me safe.  What I learned is that difficult times will come and go and they always teach us something profound.  Up level us.  Break us open again so as not to get too stagnant and safe.

I’ve learned that holding a bigger picture, opening to new possibilities, allowing life to do its work always leads us to a better place, and that there is always something to be grateful for, even in the darkest of days.

I’ve learned that I have the capacity to do this.  I have felt my relentlessly positive spirit surge to rise again.  I know this in my bones now.  I will always find a way to rise up again…and so will you.

In peace

Sharna xo

values + intention vibrational medicine wellness + healing

New Transformation Workshop Series

August 10, 2021

Love Infused Living proudly presents a series of transformational workshops, designed to help you to live a more peaceful, empowered and purposeful life.  Each workshop runs for 3 hours and involves an exclusively limited number of participants to enhance the workshop experience. The series is suited to anyone wanting to refocus their choices and listen more deeply to what will bring more fulfillment and meaning to their lives.  Individual workshops focus on daily practice (Sacred Space), stress and anxiety management (Inner Peace) and life decisions (Values for Life).  Read on for more details.

Join me, Sharna Pearce – Kinesiologist, Trauma-informed Coach, Soul Mentor, teacher and dedicated listener – for one or more of these inspiring transformation workshops.

Creating Sacred Space.

Do you crave the support to rest and restore? To connect with stillness and replenish your cup? Consciously creating sacred space for ourselves to bask in, through simple daily rituals, can profoundly enhance our energy and our experience of ourselves and the world around us.

Sink into 3 blissful hours of peace and indulgence as we journey through both practical and magickal processes for creating and witnessing our own sacred space. You will be gifted with tools to help you begin or enhance your own meditation practice and to carry this sacred space within you always.

Upcoming workshop:

Sunday (TBC)  |  10am-1pm
Booking link:  available soon

Creating Inner Peace.

Does stress or anxiety plague your days or arise in your life more than you’d like it to? Is it hard to connect and feel truly nourished by your relationships? Does the stress of daily life have you feeling exhausted and caught in a loop?

There are physiological reasons why we disconnect from the world when our stress levels are too high. But when this persists for longer periods, we can be left feeling empty, lonely and isolated. There are ways to shift this pattern, gain greater understanding of ourselves and find a more balanced way to live.

Sink into three nurturing hours of wisdom and self empowerment as we journey through both practical and subtle processes for managing periods of stress and anxiety in our lives, creating more moments of peace. You will be gifted with tools to soothe yourself through daily life and to continue to return to inner peace within.

Upcoming workshop:

Sunday (TBC)  |  10am-1pm
Booking link:  available soon

Creating Values for Life.

How do you make decisions for your life? The big ones and the little ones. How well do you make those decisions? How easily do the answers come?

Our values create the structure from which we make every one of our life choices. Our emotions are the key communication tools for those values. They guide us on whether our choices are aligning with or betraying our core values. So knowing what that unique set of values is for us builds a life that, in all of its elements, becomes congruent with our deepest truth. This is where the flow lies.

Sink into three inspiring hours of exploration and insight as we journey through practical and subtle processes to unearth what truly holds meaning for us – the guideposts of our purpose and path. You will be gifted with tools to explore your own truth, to begin creating your own unique values for life and to grant yourself permission to live that truth with grace.

Upcoming workshop: 

Sunday (TBC)  |  10am-1pm
Booking link:  available soon